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Red Cabbage Omelet - Spicy Cabbage Omelet

This Red Cabbage Omelet is cooked with eggs, fresh and crunchy red cabbage and onions. This spicy and a bit green omlette is a great way to start a day.

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Red Cabbage Omelet - Spicy Cabbage Omelet

Prep Time = 5 minutes
Cook Time = 15 minutes
Total Time = 20 minutes
Category = Breakfast
Cuisine = Indian
Serves = 4
Nutrition Info = 288 calories
Serving Size = 1 serving


» For Red Cabbage Omelet:


» Making Red Cabbage Omelet:

  1. Add all the ingredients (except oil) to a large mixing bowl.
  2. Whisk well until the mixture turns light and bubbly.
  3. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and brush it with oil or butter.
  4. Now pour the mixture into the form of pancakes and cook for 1 minute or until it sets.
  5. Flip the omelet over and cook for a further minute or until it?s fully cooked.
  6. Remove from heat, set aside & keep them warm. Repeat the same process with the rest of the mixture to make more omelets.
  7. Serve Red Cabbage Omelet hot with a dollop of sour cream and a slice of buttered rye bread. Enjoy!


  1. No notes for this recipe.

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