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Thandai Shrikhand

Thandai Shrikhand is a delicious, creamy, smooth, rich, flavor-bursting Indian dessert made using strained yogurt, and thandai powder.

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Thandai Shrikhand

Prep Time = 8 hour(s)
Cook Time = 10 minutes
Total Time = 8 hour(s) 10 minutes
Category = Desserts
Cuisine = Indian
Serves = 4
Nutrition Info = 156 calories
Serving Size = 1


» For Thandai Shrikhand:

» For Garnish:


» How to make Thandai Shrikhand:

  1. Put a strainer over a large bowl. Then take a muslin cloth and spread it on a strainer.
  2. Pour yogurt into the cloth and bring the edges of the cloth together and put some weight on top.
  3. Refrigerate to strain for 8-10 hours or overnight, this will remove excess whey. Strain only for 30 minutes if using Greek yogurt.
  4. Hung yogurt (curd) is ready.
  5. Transfer hung yogurt to a large mixing bowl.
  6. Add thandai powder, sugar, saffron strands soaked in 2 tablespoons warm milk, and rose water.
  7. Whisk well until sugar is dissolved and yogurt becomes creamy.
  8. Pour thandai shrikhand into a piping bag.
  9. Pipe into a serving glass or bowl, or simply pour it into a serving dish.
  10. Drizzle with rose compote or rose syrup.
  11. Then garnish with dried rose petals, saffron, and sliced pistachios.
  12. Chill mango shrikhand for 30 minutes to 2 hours before serving.
  13. Enjoy thandai shrikhand as an after-meal dessert or snack.


  1. I have used thandai powder for making shrikhand, you can also use a combination of thandai powder and thandai syrup. Thandai syrup is already sweet, so when you use thandai syrup, make sure to reduce the amount of sugar. Or may totally skip the sugar if you have added about 1/4 cup thandai syrup.
  2. This Thandai Shrikhand stays fresh in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 8-10 days.
  3. If you don't want to use powdered sugar, then feel free to replace it with jaggery powder, coconut sugar, honey, or maple syrup.
  4. To make hung curd, you can also use full cream Turkish yogurt. Turkish yogurt already has a thick creamy texture, so only strain it for 15 minutes.
  5. Use coconut yogurt and coconut milk to make vegan thandai shrikhand.

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