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Strawberry Milkshake

This refreshing, sweet, and creamy strawberry milkshake is loaded with fresh strawberry tastes. It is a perfect drink for summer.

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Strawberry Milkshake

Prep Time = 3 minutes
Cook Time = 3 minutes
Total Time = 5 minutes
Category = Drinks
Cuisine = International
Serves = 4 medium servings
Nutrition Info = 237 calories
Serving Size = 1


» For Strawberry Milkshake

» For Serving:


» How to Make Strawberry Milkshake

  1. Place the fresh strawberries on a chopping board and cut off the leafy top. Quarter or roughly chop them.
  2. Place fresh and frozen strawberries in a blender. Also add sugar, milk, and strawberry jam. Blend until strawberries are blended and pureed. There should not be any big chunks left.
  3. Add 6 scoops of strawberry ice cream and blend until everything is combined and smooth. If your milkshake is too thick, then you can add more milk to thin the milkshake to your desired consistency.
  4. Add a scoop of strawberry ice cream to each serving glass. Pour the strawberry milkshake into glasses. You can also top the smoothie with whipped cream. Garnish with fresh strawberries and drink immediately.


  1. Strawberries: You should use ripe strawberries in the milkshake recipe. This way you won?t have to add extra sweetener and it would have a more strawberry taste.
  2. Flavoring: I did not add any additional flavors here. If you like, you can add a dash of cardamom powder, cinnamon powder, or vanilla extract.
  3. Ice cream: Strawberry ice cream tastes best here, but you can also use vanilla ice cream.

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