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Ginger Cardamom Tea - Adrak Ilaichi Ki Chai

This Chai flavored with ginger (adrak) and cardamom (ilaichi) is very common and is one of the most favored morning teas known as Adrak Ilaichi Ki Chai.

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Ginger Cardamom Tea - Adrak Ilaichi Ki Chai

Prep Time = 2 minutes
Cook Time = 13 minutes
Total Time = 15 minutes
Category = Drinks
Cuisine = Indian
Serves = 4
Nutrition Info = 154 calories
Serving Size = 1 serving


» For Ginger Cardamom Tea:


» How to Make Ginger Cardamom Tea:

  1. Heat 3/4 cups of water in a saucepan on medium heat.
  2. When water forms little bubbles add tea leaves and sugar and stir well.
  3. Let the water boil for about 3-4 minutes.
  4. Now add milk to it. Once it starts to boil and tea starts to rise simmer the heat for about 2 minutes and let it boil.
  5. Add ginger, cardamom powder, and boil for about 5 minutes. Boiling is the key here, the more you boil the more aromatic flavor you will get.
  6. Your tea is ready. Strain into cups and serve with your favorite cookies.


  1. If you don't fresh ginger root, then you can add 1 teaspoon of ground ginger.

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